Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Role of Political Philosophy by Rawls and Mill Research Paper - 4

The Role of Political Philosophy by Rawls and Mill - Research Paper Example It is apparent that Mill believes that social and economic equalities and can be deemed justified if they can help the underprivileged in the society thus leaving the open the question of what and how inequalities can be justified (Reynolds 7-12). In fact, there were no political actualities that could realize the sameness of the arguments provided by both Mill and Rawls and the notion of a guaranteed social minimum serves as part of real-life democratic politics. Mill believes that society but the Difference Principle that was portrayed by the common moral sense should guarantee social minimum but the society rejected it. On the other hand, the idea of the social minimum is an indication of a publicly accepted principle of democratic politics and Rawls thinks that there are interventions including the fact that disallows are widely treated with suspicion. However, Mill’s principles of justice as explained by Rawls may be justified on utilitarian grounds and they have consider able acceptability in the current democracies. Public acceptance is vital for Rawls due to the weight it puts on overlapping consensus and he considers his principles of justice can be validated from various reasonable ethical positions that entail utilitarianism (Reynolds 13-18). Rawls is convinced that utilitarianism is an important and reasonable ethical position that even though he does not support he feels that utilitarianism may be an overlapping accord on Mill’s arguments although it does not show that Mill’s perception could be part of an overlapping consensus (Reynolds 16-22).

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